Department of
Mathematics * University of Patras
Ko van der Weele
Ιάκωβος βαν ντερ Βέιλε
Teaching Research Themes Publications
Jacobus Pieter (Ko) van der Weele
was born in the Netherlands in 1959. He studied
theoretical physics with Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. Gerard 't Hooft in Utrecht
(1983) and
did his PhD - on chaos theory - with Prof. Dr. Hans Capel
at the University of Amsterdam
(1987). Since then he has been working at the University of Twente
(1987-2005), the
Hellenic Open University (2006-2007) and the University of Patras
(2006-now). His
official research theme at the University of Patras
is "Differential Equations with
Applications in the Physical and/or Economical Sciences and/or Technology"
("Διαφορικές Εξισώσεις με Εφαρμογές στις Φυσικές ή και Οικονομικές
Επιστήμες ή και Τεχνολογία", ΦΕΚ τ.Γ 697/9-8-2010).
Ι.Π. βαν ντερ Βέιλε, Kαθηγητής
Τμήμα Μαθηματικών
Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
26500 Πάτρα
Prof. Dr. J.P. van der Weele
of Patras
26500 Patras, Greece
+30.2610.997457 E-mail: